Tuesday 17 July 2012

my to-do note as FINANCE MINISTER ( scribbled for UNION BUDGET)

I'll earmark a bulk of the budget to clear the pan stains off our major government buildings and erase love graffiti from the heritage buildings .

i'll Entitle people to receive Re 1
mobile phone balance for every advertisement SMS(regarding good hair/good skin/fly to america etc
etc) that enters our inbox.

i'll reduce the price of paanipuris so that college students like us
manage to have a wholesome evening snack
without burning a hole
in the pocket.

i'll reduce prices of cricket-tennis balls
whose prices  are increasing like the  table of 5(eg
30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and now Rs 55)  every year, and making 6-hitting a very costly affair for the batsman,as  every time a ball is lost , the poor bloke has to pay from his pocket.

i'll assign  money to install CCTVs at traffic police kiosks to check how many bucks are passed into each traffic sergeant's pockets everyday from drivers.

 I’ll assign money to build "couples only" parks , so that couples are spared prying eyes!!

i'll increase price of cigarettes and alcohol so that people are forced to stop
subjecting their fellow people to passive smoking .

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